Forgiveness is the antidote to resentment.

however forced forgiveness  or false forgiveness
is unhelpfull

see The Forgiveness Project.

(this link may later change )
when the site is transferred.
What does the Lord require of you but to:

Do Justice

Love Mercy

Walk humbly with your God
                                          Micah  Chapter 6 verse 8

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Surviving beyond injustice
  • That a child was sexually abused is a gross injustice
  • A further injustice is when some of us were not believed
  • some of us were dismissed
  • some of us were discredited
  • some of us were sent back into abusive situations
  • some of us continue to suffer further injustice.
  • authorities often refuse to prosecute the abuser
            and yet the survivor who uses force to prevent further abuse
            is all too often prosecuted.
                    whilst not granting an avo or changed  guardianship
            or a change of classroom teacher etc.

          To focus on God's justice.
           Imagine there is a hell.

           I found to consider that the price Jesus Christ paid
                masively exceeds my demands for justice.

            God is a God of justice.

             To ask God to restore what we have lost.

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